“St. Hubert’s jagged front, rude paths and rustic bridge…declare a spot remote…”
“”Like pinions moving, the oars are plied the church to reach”
Rev. E.O. Flagg. “Earlier and Later Poems”
“A small chapel of graceful design stands on this island, and, with its parsonage, forms an interesting feature of the locality.”
“State of New York Annual Report of the Forest Commission”
“The scene of a bright Sunday morning, when the boats gathered from far and near, filled with worshippers in gay apparel, was highly picturesque and gave church-going the novel charm of a devotional outing to a shrine of God-tinged beauty.”
Alfred Donaldson. “A History of the Adirondacks”
Church of the Good Shepherd
St. Hubert’s Isle
HC02 Box 237
Raquette Lake, NY
Contact Us
Dear Family and Friends –
So many cards arrived in December 2000 recalling the happy
times we have had together—it is wonderful to hear from so
many each holiday season.
Last year saw a lot of changes. Paul and Rebecca had my 15th
grandchild in October, Maxwell James. Then John’s oldest
daughter, Monique and husband Raymond, presented me with my
fourth great-grandchild in November, Aaron Leopold Miller.
Megan had 17 of us over for Christmas Eve dinner and Monique
had 23 for Christmas Day. It was a real treat to be together and
realize what Ralph and I had started so many years ago!
I fell and broke my hip Memorial Day a year ago and had to be in
rehab until 5 July. Luckily I am a fast healer—there is occasional
pain and I have to use a walker. But I still spent three weeks at
the Island with my granddaughter, Dorian. I was able to walk up
the trail but they had to wheel me down—just like Ralph’s
mother, Adele Lilian Miller, so many years ago. But I refused the
wheelbarrow! I am at the Island the entire summer this year.
The good news is that I am now able to qualify for Medicaid and
attend a splendid adult daycare program for the blind, started in
the early 1920s by the League of Jewish Women. A small bus
picks me up about 8:00 and brings me home about 4:30. We
receive two full meals and have a very busy schedule—everything
from music and crafts to cooking and discussion groups.
Best wishes to all of you —
July 2001
Note from Fay: GuildCare says Mother is one of the friendliest
and most outgoing persons there. Whenever a new member
arrives, they try to seat them next to Mother because they know
she will make the person feel welcome. I told them it was all
those years of training as a minister’s wife!
News from St. Hubert’s Isle – 2001

The summer of 2000 we had 165 visitors to the Church of the
Good Shepherd. The tours have been so successful that there are
four scheduled for this August.
Both of William Brown-Serman’s granddaughters—Mary
Walke and Betty Hayes—spoke, answering many questions about
island life during the early 1900s.
The sad news is that the church roof has to be replaced as
well as the foundation. We may have to raise about $30,000 or
turn the church over to a non-profit foundation. So expect a
fund-raising letter in the near future!